Those who get rich from virtual currency don't even dare to think about it!

Share the legendary story of a big shot: he entered the circle with 50,000 dollars, and his current assets in the circle are estimated to be more than 40 million.

This big shot entered the currency circle in 2017. He happened to have some spare money on hand, invested 400,000, bought more and sold less. After the market turned bearish in early 2018, he hardly operated again, and added 100,000 yuan of ether at the end of the year. In the big drop in March 2020, his assets shrank to just over 100,000, but because he was not in urgent need of money and had faith in the currency circle, he insisted on not selling and had no money to cover his position. At the beginning of 2021, he caught up with the DeFi market on BSC. Cake, bnb and other currencies made his assets reach more than 7 million in one or two months. Although the market correction in May reduced his assets to around 3 million, he is still as stable as a mountain.

He used to be a senior engineer with an annual income of about 300,000 after tax. In the second half of 2020, he lost his job due to the epidemic. As the cryptocurrency industry took off, he simply stopped looking for a job. Now, he has been at home for more than a year and feels bored occasionally, but he thinks it is not worth it to find a job with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan now, because the airdrop income in one day may be more than the job.

This big shot has a peaceful mentality and lives a simple life. Although he is financially free, he has not changed his car and house, his clothes are still Uniqlo, his shoes are Li Ning, and his mobile phone is still the old model from two years ago. The only thing he has added is an all-red Apple Watch. He said that he wears a little red in his birth year to avoid evil. He now often goes to the library to practice English, read industry trends, and travel domestically and abroad from time to time.

Seize the opportunity of the bull market, there are opportunities every day!

The bull market is surging, and there are opportunities every day. Pay attention to my sharing. Friends who don’t know how to do it, click on my avatar and follow it! Bull market spot planning, contract password, free sharing.

I need fans, you need reference. It’s better to pay attention than to guess!

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