Around 10 o'clock last night, due to the news of the US Ethereum ETF, it was directly pulled up from the bottom to 67,300, which is nearly 1,000 points, but it did not stabilize at a high level. It began to fluctuate and slowly decline from 67,300. It reached the lowest point around 65,400 this morning. The current price is around 65,900.

From the current hourly line, the big cake is still stabilized around 65,400, and the bulls are about to start to exert their strength. In addition, from the MACD line, it turns from positive to negative, and KDJ is about to form a golden cross. The price of the currency is likely to form support above 66,000, so we can participate in low-long.

Big cake idea: more around 65,500-65,800, target 67000#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 $BTC