On Tuesday, July 23rd, the day’s summary is 2800 points.

Investment is like a chess game, the layout must be far-sighted and the moves must be determined. In the ever-changing market, only by thinking calmly and making decisive decisions can we control the overall situation.

Bitcoin's intraday market basically fluctuates in a fluctuating trend, with the upper and lower levels around 67,000 and below 66,000. The overall trend fluctuates back and forth around the range, and neither the long nor short positions have much continuation. The day-to-day thinking also repeatedly pointed out that the 66000 area is bullish. The market moved upward after touching this area many times. It went long three times during the day, and the overall position was 2800 points. The trends and ideas are basically the same. Card point operation is also a good choice

Participate during the day as follows:

The pie was 66411 and more than 66965 were sold to receive 554 points.

The pie was 66164 and more than 67271 were sold, and 1053 points were collected.

The pie was 66010 and more than 67210 were sold and closed by 120 points

Ether 3438 went out more than 3520 and closed 82 points

Ether 3436 went out more than 3491 and closed 55 points

Ether 3438 went out more than 3490 and closed 52 points

The three orders of Big Pie closed a total of 2801 points, and the three orders of Ether closed 189 points. Compared with today's market, the volatility is not too big. I am bullish and do long, and I have not participated in the reverse direction. Today's market conditions can be said to have opportunities for both long and short positions. The trend of the market is still relatively simple. Basically, you can control it with your hands. If the operation is not smooth, look here.

At present, there is a certain retracement action on the market. A continuous negative action has been formed in the short term on the daily line. The decline has gradually narrowed the previous day's increase. The high level has been under pressure and the market has begun to gradually fall back. So in the short-term trend, we also need to pay attention to the market's fallback situation and time. The node has reached Wednesday, and the market is prone to change on Wednesday, so if it cannot rebound to break through the high point of the range in the short term, then the risk of change will increase. In the short term, pay attention to the strength of the market's fallback, and treat it with the idea of ​​rebounding and shorting in the operation.

The situation is hot and friends who encounter difficulties in trading come to Kelai. As the saying goes, there is specialization in the industry. If you are currently facing difficulties and the order is not done well, you can change your mind, change a place, change your luck, and become professional. Let’s rush together to the rhythm! #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #山寨季何时到来? #币安7周年 #美国PCE数据将公布 #币安HODLer空投BANANA $BTC $ETH $BNB