First, Biden is not dead. The U.S. Capitol was flying at half-mast because black congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee passed away. It is normal for a member of Congress to fly at half-mast when she dies in office.

​Second, Harris already has enough party representatives to become the Democratic presidential candidate. Don't fantasize about letting Obama's wife run. She is indeed popular, but she has long made it clear that she has no intention of entering politics.

​Third, if there is such a big news as "Biden is dead", the media around the world will report it. This is their profession and their job. It is impossible for any netizen to announce this "big news". I don't know how many screenshots have been passed around, but they are basically unreliable.

​Fourth, Musk forwarded a post saying that the U.S. government is heading for bankruptcy. The total U.S. national debt is about to exceed 34 trillion U.S. dollars, and the interest expenditure alone is 1.1 trillion U.S. dollars per year, which exceeds the U.S. military expenditure. Throughout history, any country whose interest expenditure on debt exceeds its defense expenditure has not ended well.

Fifth, regarding the U.S. debt problem, at present, it seems that the U.S. government has no solution except to continue "printing money" and use inflation to default on its debts in disguise.