#以太坊ETF批准预期 #山寨季何时到来? #etf以太坊

Tonight at 9:30, there will be another exciting market. Most of the friends know this. Don’t ask me if there are any small problems such as ETFs that are unlikely to pass. ETFs have already passed and will be online at 9:30 tonight. You can learn more about it and then evaluate it!

Tonight is the time to open ETF trading. ETFs have passed. The first ETF is open for trading. Considering the risk issue, it is estimated that it will rise first and then fall. Friends who have eaten meat can go a little bit. There is no need to take such a big risk. There is no need to be afraid of missing out. There are many opportunities.

It is a good thing that changes from bad to bad through ETFs, and the funds are not all in at once. It needs to be continuous. Friends of Heyue just need to pay attention to small risks, and friends of spot don’t need to care about it!