Methods of unwinding:

First: According to the position in hand:

1. If you are a friend of the coin with shallow order, you can use the rebound market to unwind, or reduce the position at high.

2. If you are a friend of the coin with deep order, you can make a partial position operation at high or cover the position to lower the average price, so that you can take the psychological initiative before the market comes.

Second: According to the trend status of the purchased currency

1. If the purchased currency is in a downward trend, once the downward trend is confirmed, the trend has been formed, it is recommended to stop loss immediately, and you must not have illusions of gain and loss. Because sometimes any hesitation and hesitation may lead to deep traps in the future, and finally make it difficult to extricate yourself.

2. If the purchased currency is in a balanced oscillation trend, there is no need to stop loss immediately. Wait patiently for the currency to enter the high position of the oscillation cycle. Once the coin is unwinded or the loss is small, you should decisively leave the market.

3. If the purchased currency is in an upward trend, there is no need to stop loss. Patiently hold it for a period of time, it will inevitably be unwinded and there will be a greater possibility of profit. $BTC $ETH $BNB #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #山寨季何时到来? #币安7周年 #美国6月CPI大幅降温