All industries make money.

Either you have a steady stream of resources that can be monetized

Either you have the ability to make money

Or you sell your time and energy

The same is true in the cryptocurrency world. The more resources you have, the more you earn.

Let’s talk about the cryptocurrency pyramid.

Who makes the most money in the entire cryptocurrency world?

1. Regulators – Rule makers

Those who make the rules can often reap the most stable benefits from the rules.

Although the cryptocurrency world is unique, it must be said that certain institutions can have a profound impact on the cryptocurrency world with just one word, and these institutions hold the lifeline of the global economy.

For example, interest rate cuts and tax increases, the future of the cryptocurrency world can be determined by just one sentence. Remember, the arm can never be stronger than the thigh.


2. Top exchanges - traffic providers

Exchanges can provide capital flow, popularity flow, hype flow, etc.

The top exchanges control the largest traffic in the cryptocurrency circle, and being listed on an exchange is equivalent to being listed!

Whichever project the exchange supports will have a steady supply of liquidity, and many secondary market investors also like to invest in popular projects on the exchange!


3. Top Project Party - Platform Traffic Provider

With the project platform traffic as support, we can get profits continuously

Some project parties also control a large amount of resources and funds, such as Little Fox Wallet, OKX Web3 Wallet, UIN, OpenSea, ARB, etc. There are also some project parties that VCs are rushing to invest in, which may pua everyone to death, and investors may also be cut and complain bitterly.


4. Investment institutions - providers of financial resources

The resource that investors control is money. Money determines the right to speak. Many projects need investment, and investors also need to find good projects. Highly financed projects will attract close attention from the entire industry. Investors will put pressure on project parties and force them to compromise.

However, the risks for investors are also high. For many popular projects invested by VCs, the popularity of the projects has cooled down before the tokens are unlocked, and the return on investment is nowhere in sight.


5. Developers — Technical Resource Providers

Developers control technical resources, and technology itself is a means of production. Technology can certainly be exchanged for a steady stream of financial returns.

The quality of a project is directly related to its developers. The development and maintenance behind a good project requires human and financial support.


6. Scientists — On-chain data resource providers

Although studios and scientists are hated in the blockchain industry, we have to admit that scientists have data resources for some projects, and scientists’ contributions are indispensable if the on-chain data is to look good.

Scientists not only have all kinds of high-tech, but also a large number of accounts and funds. One person can open a hundred accounts, one can open ten thousand accounts, or even one can open a hundred thousand accounts. They are bound to take away all the wool in the wool-pulling world.

It has to be said that the scientists are very powerful, and the on-chain data they produce is more authentic than that of real users.

The recharged gold is also something that retail investors cannot compare to, because there are too many scientists who became rich overnight because of one project.


7. KOL—Popularity Traffic Provider

What KOL controls is traffic. Teacher Li Xiaolai once said that traffic is money. The support of KOL is of great help to the project. If a project is crazily cxed by many KOLs, then this project must have certain strength, at least it has a certain amount of funds to hire KOLs to help promote it!

But in the market, kol is also a leek, and being cut is commonplace.


8. Large Accounts

Big investors are the bosses that everyone likes. They support half of the cryptocurrency world. Without the big investors’ continuous supply of funds, the people above would have no income.


9. Retail Investors

Although retail investors do not have a large amount of capital, the accumulation of small amounts can add up to a large amount. If a large number of retail investors can be captured, the project party can also be directly free.

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