Gate Web3 Startup is conducting free airdrop subscription for UXLINK and FROKAI

According to the official Odaily, Gate Web3 Startup will open UXLINK airdrop subscription from 14:00 on July 16 to 14:00 on July 23 (UTC+8), with a free quota of 10,000 coins; UXLINK is a Web3 social platform and infrastructure, where users and developers can discover, distribute and trade crypto assets through unique social and group methods. Gate Web3 will also open FROKAI airdrop subscription from 14:00 on July 17, 2024 to 14:00 on July 24 (UTC+8), with a free quota of 25,760 coins; inspired by DALL-E, Frok AI can help users generate content, including pictures, videos and other content. It is understood that Gate Web3 Startup conducts airdrop plans for blockchain projects from time to time, and Gate Web3 wallet users can obtain tokens, NFTs, whitelists or points airdrop benefits by participating in Gate Web3 Startup projects. You can participate for free if you have at least $10 in total assets in your Gate Web3 wallet. Each user can participate once per project.