Advanced literacy in the blockchain industry:

About KOL
- Do not believe anything written by any KOL, treat everything they say as noise, and only use KOL content as a tool to judge the financial strength of the project party and the KOL circle (investment research posts, forwarding is marked with a starting price)
- If someone says something is good, it's only because he bought it, not for any other reason
- Don't trust any PnL screenshots or any post-mortems
- Don't trust anyone with any amount/level of money
- Don’t trust anyone who looks rich (the poorer you are, the more you pretend to be rich; the richer you are, the less you want others to know)

About Centralized Exchanges
- Don’t trust centralized exchanges in your heart, and never use contract trading
- Centralized exchanges can be used as cross-chain bridges and places to buy and sell real currency
- As long as you have the exchange fud, you can transfer all funds immediately, and it only takes 1u to transfer
- Centralized exchanges are a good starting point for a career. There will be a lot of passive information intake, and whether you can use it well depends on your ability

About VC
- VC's technical research and articles are deceiving you
- VC's thesis part makes sense and can be learned
- The only first principle of VC is to sell coins, without any other result orientation
- Most VCs don’t make money. Most Chinese VC practitioners don’t know how to trade cryptocurrencies. VCs from prestigious universities who just entered the industry don’t even know what gas is.
- VCs should call for/do things/write things for the projects they invest in. No problem. They must call for
- Most VCs definitely don’t understand what this industry is doing as well as Degen, while a few VCs have super-dimensional thinking and are several versions ahead

About Liquid Fund
- Liquid funds are not profitable now and cannot outperform BTC
- In the past, liquid funds made money, but ordinary people also made money
- Because people who invest in liquid funds already have BTC exposure, liquid funds can only invest in non-BTC, but they are very miserable and cannot outperform
- In short, it can't outperform BTC

About viewing project
- What the project owner says is bullshit
- Partnership = Nothing is done
- Do a small amount of work for the project party, and determine which process it accelerates in which dimension of the value chain and what results it will lead to
- If the result is a good thing (can indirectly affect the public's understanding/expectation of the currency price), then this project is worth looking forward to.
- The money actually needed to do the project is very small compared to the money raised.
- If a project has a bad moral history (rug points, rug money, cut VC, not pay the audit company, etc.), and wants to start over = don't be lucky about the character issue, pass

About Marketing:
- Most project owners don’t understand marketing
- Marketing effect is difficult to quantify
- What you can quantify is all fake.
- Basic marketing expenses are best converted into KOL rounds
- Other marketing expenses are better used to increase sales

About the individual:
- Buy VC coins, don’t shout orders (but sincere sharing is welcome); buy community coins, you can join the community construction (shout orders)
- Trust the data on the chain and believe in real payment
- Encourage any form of rights protection, unless you have a vested interest or your identity is inappropriate
- Everyone makes mistakes, no one cares whether you are right or wrong; you can learn publicly and record publicly
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