Biden withdraws from the election,

Harris continues to run,

Will there be the first female president in history❗

It is not that women cannot become presidents of the United States, but due to a variety of historical, social and cultural factors, women's representation and influence in the American political system are relatively low, resulting in no woman being successfully elected as president of the United States. Here are some of the main reasons:

I. Historical factors

Restrictions on voting rights: For a long time, American women did not enjoy the right to vote. It was not until 1920 that the United States passed the 19th Amendment, formally granting women nationwide universal suffrage. This means that before that, women could not directly participate in political elections, let alone become presidential candidates.

Social concepts: Historically, gender discrimination and gender stereotypes have been prevalent in American society. These concepts believe that men are more suitable for leadership positions, while women are more suitable for playing a role in the family and private sphere. This concept limits women's development and promotion opportunities in the political field.

II. Gender factors

Gender role positioning: In American society, men are generally given more leadership and decision-making power, while women are often expected to play a role in supportive and auxiliary roles. This gender role positioning makes women face greater challenges when running for senior leadership positions such as the presidency.

Gender bias: In the political field, female candidates often face more gender bias and questioning. Their leadership, decision-making and political experience may be unnecessarily questioned and belittled. This bias increases the difficulty for women to become president.

3. Political system and election mechanism

Electoral system: The United States has a two-party system, with the Democratic Party and the Republican Party dominating the presidential election. However, the two major parties tend to prefer male candidates when selecting presidential candidates to reduce election risks and cater to the preferences of conservative voters.

Election funds: Presidential elections require huge financial support. Due to historical and social reasons, women may face greater difficulties in raising campaign funds. This limits their competitiveness and influence in the election.

To sum up, Trump will win without a doubt❗


