RootData: BarnBridge Token (BOND) has gained 42.73% in 24 hours

According to ChainCatcher, according to RootData data, the BarnBridge token (BOND) rose 42.73% in 24 hours and is now trading at $2.10. According to RootData, a Web3 asset data platform, BarnBridge is a risk tokenization protocol for DeFi. Its application allows users to choose from opposing pools called batches and take positions on risk factors such as interest rates or asset prices. Its first application, SMART Yield, provides fixed and leveraged variable yields for stablecoins deposited in basic lending markets such as Aave, Compound, and C.R.E.A.M. Its second application, SMART Exposure, automatically manages user positions between any two ERC-20 assets at a set ratio.