⚡ Reflections from the Ark: The end of an era⚡

Dear reader, while they try to entertain us with blackouts, political differences and armed conflicts, the end of an era is coming, while you look at the left and the right, there is something just in front of the horizon.

The #BRICS2024 alliance seeks to use the oil and gas sector as a weapon to reduce the US dollar from its status as the global reserve currency. Four new oil producing countries, such as the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Iran and Ethiopia and also the invitation of the world's largest oil producer, Saudi Arabia, are on the cards.

If Saudi Arabia joins the BRICS, the alliance will control 42% of the global oil and gas sector. Its incorporation would cause a paradigm shift that will make countries rewrite oil agreements and make payments in local currencies easier.

Russia offered an update on how they believe the global supremacy of the US dollar will come to an end. Vladimir Putin explained that if oil-producing countries in the Middle East stop accepting the US dollar in exchange for oil, the dollar will automatically fall into a path of decline.

The US dollar works on a supply and demand mechanism, and if it loses demand, its fall is imminent. The#BRICSbloc is trying to attack the US dollar by using oil as the main weapon against the currency.

This is to understand what follows in the plan: Eliminating the fiduciary standard is not going to eliminate the dollar, but rather the way in which it will operate internationally. With immediate liquidity, restore the pattern supported by raw materials and, perhaps, to later support that entire system in the scarcest thing that exists.
