In the vast ocean of economy, personal struggle is indispensable, but it often seems small and subtle in the face of the grand trend. The right trend is like going with the flow, and even if you go with the flow, you can still reap a lot; but going against the flow, even if you go all out, may just be a futile struggle, and even be inferior to those who go with the flow and are at ease.


1. The emerging wave of wealth

Emerging trends, such as the computer revolution, the rise of the Internet, the popularity of mobile Internet, the rise of e-commerce, and even the recent Bitcoin craze and leaps in artificial intelligence, have all led to huge waves of wealth with their unprecedented innovation and subversive power. When these trends first emerged, they were often accompanied by the unknown and confusion, but it was these elusive new things that gave birth to huge opportunities. Those who dared to break the ice and deeply understand its essence were finally able to ride the wind and waves and reap the fruits of wealth.


At the same time, opportunities are hidden in subtle places. Just like the unexpected delay of Apple iPhone 4, it unexpectedly ignited the enthusiasm of the world. Investors who keenly captured this moment also won rich returns. However, there are also disguised traps lurking in the fog of the market - false trends, which attract attention briefly with their bright appearance and tempting promises, but leave a mess after the bubble bursts. Emerging tracks in the currency circle, Bitcoin forks, ICO craze, NFT craze, etc. are typical representatives of this phenomenon.


2. The rise of megatrends and the polarization of wealth

When emerging trends grow and become the "outlet" of the times, their influence will sweep in like a storm. These trends not only grow rapidly, but are also accompanied by fierce debate and questioning. Just as Zhang Yiming used forward-looking data analysis to foresee the rise of mobile Internet in advance, while most people were still immersed in the afterglow of the PC era. At this stage, truly valuable projects will stand out and achieve leapfrog growth, and will still be able to stand even after the bubble recedes.


3. Rebirth and opportunities in the bubble

The evolution of trends is always accompanied by the expansion and bursting of bubbles, which is the result of the dance between human greed and blindness. History has proved countless times that from aviation and automobiles to the Internet, and to today's artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency, all have experienced such reincarnation. The existence of bubbles is inevitable, but it is these bubbles that provide the market with a hotbed for gold rush. During the expansion period of bubbles, people are often confused by the superficial prosperity, but when the bubble bursts and the truth is revealed, the true value will be rediscovered.


The collapse of the US AI stock market may be another manifestation of this historical law. However, the bursting of the bubble is not the end, but the beginning of new opportunities. Excellent companies and projects will stand out in this process and continue to move forward. For investors, the bursting of the bubble means more choices and lower risks, and it is a great time to plan for the future.


4. A New Era for Bitcoin

The current Bitcoin cycle is entering a new phase. As the core of the cryptocurrency field, Bitcoin has become the cornerstone of market consensus. With the continuous influx of external funds, it has become a general market expectation that its price will break new highs. Looking back, we may find that those low prices that once seemed out of reach, such as Bitcoin below $10,000, have gradually become history.

The value of Bitcoin is becoming more and more prominent, and the fundamental differences between it and altcoins are becoming more and more obvious. Just like the giants and inferior stocks in the US stock market, the cryptocurrency circle is also undergoing a similar differentiation process. Investors are paying more and more attention to the actual value of the project - what problem do you solve? How much value do you create? How does the market evaluate your value? These will become the core criteria for evaluating all projects in the future.


Therefore, it is crucial to keep a clear head and keen insight in the ever-changing cycles and trends. For those changes that can be foreseen but have not yet occurred, our best strategy may be to buy high-quality currencies that have stood the test of time and have outstanding value, and patiently wait for their value to be released. As for those projects with excessive bubbles, we should stay away from them to avoid becoming victims of others' greed.


Disclaimer: The content of this article is intended to share information and disseminate knowledge, and is not intended to provide any specific investment advice. Before making any investment decision, we strongly recommend that you conduct independent research and analysis and make an informed decision based on your personal financial situation, investment objectives, and risk tolerance.

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