Academician of the currency circle: Face trading shocks calmly, wait patiently for wealth to explode, get rid of speculative mentality, and control the fate of trading

We must remember the thinking before each order. We need to judge the second before placing an order. Is it the rules that make me do this or the emotions that make me do this? Many times, the operation comes from emotions rather than facts and rules. When the turning point appears, the trend has just started, and we are hesitant and turn a blind eye. When the market trend comes out, we can all see it. We are afraid of missing it and enter the market to chase it. As a result, we encounter a callback and stop loss. Never have the mentality of chasing ups and downs. If there are academicians in the currency circle who hope you will abandon it from now on, there is nothing wrong with our method itself. The problem is our own speculative mentality, fear of mistakes, fear of stop loss, and the best entry is the detonation point. There is no retracement and shock to get out of the trend. Adjust your mentality, don't entangle, the turning point appears, take advantage of the high leverage and low position, enter the market for trial and error, grasp the good time node, calmly accept the shock consolidation, and patiently wait for the trend to come out.

The biggest risk in trading does not come from the main force and the opponent, not the so-called dealer, but from ourselves, the dialogue between ourselves and ourselves. Trading is a game. Sun Tzu's Art of War says that we should be invincible first, and wait for the enemy to be victorious. The invincibility lies in ourselves, and the victory lies in the enemy. In trading language, we protect our principal and wait for the market to give us opportunities. Whether we are not eliminated depends on whether we will commit suicide. Whether we can make money depends on whether the market gives us opportunities. The cruelest game is war. In war, many times you have no choice, but the academician of the currency circle said that we can withdraw from the transaction at any time. As long as you withdraw, no one can do anything to you. Wait until the market reveals a flaw, wait until the advantage is on your side, then you enter the market. When there is an advantage, you are present, and when there is no advantage, don't commit suicide. Before you have the ability to survive in this circle, don't open an order easily. I have been in the industry for 13 years. I hope that you who see my article in another 13 years will still be in the currency circle and can still toss. Come on! #以太坊ETF批准预期 #BTC #ETH #ETC #BNB $BTC $ETH $BNB