Recent advancements in long-term storage could pave the way for creating everlasting digital ledgers capable of storing data for millions of years without power, essentially immortal blockchains. Blockchain technology thrives on the idea that data is more secure in a decentralized ledger than on a centralized server. Even in the face of a local power outage, the ledger remains intact as long as other nodes are operational. However, potential threats like a global blackout could jeopardize both decentralized and centralized storage systems. To safeguard blockchain data for the distant future, innovative storage methods like DNA storage and Ceramic Nano Memory could be utilized. These solutions, although not originally intended for blockchain use, offer the ability to preserve data indefinitely. By storing essential documents in these mediums, we can ensure that future generations or even extraterrestrial beings have access to our technological advancements. Read more AI-generated news on: