The Ethereum trading pool is too shallow, so try not to short in the last few days.

The amount of Ethereum pledged has reached a historical peak, and the amount of exchange stock has reached a historical low. Try to short as little as possible to avoid being trapped and difficult to get out of it. You can't short even if you are bearish, unless something unexpected happens.

From the perspective of Ethereum's own economics, once a large amount of funds are introduced, it is likely to trigger a large FOMO sentiment, because the Ethereum economic model itself has a pledge attribute. Under the greed of human nature, leverage is very likely to trigger a strong FOMO sentiment when experiencing a capital flush. The financial attribute of Ethereum's own pledge mechanism is too strong. The good thing is that the market has experienced these lessons before, but it is difficult to predict whether it will happen again, so try to avoid shorting Ethereum. Those who remember the last round of bulls should know that Ethereum is an asset that is completely in a state of pure perverted FOMO driven by favorable factors. If it falls into the leverage bubble carnival again, ten bulls can't pull it back, especially under the view that the SEC is open to the issue of Ethereum ETF pledge, maybe one day it will allow staking to be exciting.

The Ethereum ecosystem can pay attention to some old Defi projects and relatively new concepts.

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