A new week is about to begin. May you meet new challenges and new opportunities. Looking back at last week, some people have gained a lot, while others have continued to lose money. But no matter what, only by constantly summarizing and reviewing the past can the failed people find out their own shortcomings and make continuous progress. No one is born to stand on the top. Everyone has to climb step by step! In this market, we need to constantly practice, accumulate experience, and have someone to show us the way. In the face of any fluctuations in the market, we must have enough confidence and tenacity, and at the same time, we must maintain a heart of awe.

This week, we mainly focus on Duo, and the main idea is to distribute oranges! The big cake has gained more than 11,000 points in total, and the aunt has more than 300 points of space. Facing this market, no one can always win! We have some small bamboo shoots, so I won’t go into it here. For this trend this week, there is room for both long and short positions, and my friends who follow me should have basically grasped it. Some friends prefer to go back and forth between long and short positions, but I personally don’t recommend this method of operation. If you are not careful, you will be trapped by a wave of unilateral market. Trading must be planned and strategic, and you must make plans before you act.

I have been investing for several years. I am also a Buddhist and believe in fate. There are many investors who lack money in their lives. In fact, what they lack is a noble person. I hope I can be your noble person. I am soft-hearted. Seeing some other teachers' clients crying and shouting because they lost money, I feel bad, but I can't just snatch them away. I have no way to make others believe me directly, so I believe in fate. This is the same as a blind date. No matter what the first impression is, you should give the other person a chance to understand. I believe that you must be touched after reading so many words. Finally, I still want to say one thing. When everyone faces the day of changing their destiny, they think it is just an ordinary day in their life. This time, I hope to go on in this market with you!