Followers of Gregory Mannarino (YT) - >>MMRI INDICATOR<< has been spot on!

Here is some KEY dates thats going to unlock MASSIVE wealth.

No one has been more accurate than us for YEARS, and it’s all FREE!

You only need to understand their game and their mission (freak show bankers) >> (Becoming the owner and lender of last resort)

With that said.

Gauging risk is KING, showing us the trajectory of the overall markets and risk has been dropping like a stone lately, expect the trajectory will continue to the downside while money printing and devaluation of fiat currencies will persist.

MMRI is ALL about stability. High Risk High Reward!

MMRI is on a downwards trajectory which is massively bullish, contrary if the MMRI is trending upwards, rising risk environment in the markets is bearish!

Main Drivers of the overall markets;

US10YR & the DXY <<< This is what these freaks are watching themselves while the sheep is glued to charts like Nvidia thinking that’s going to give a “Get Out The Market Sign” << YOU CAN NOT USE THESE CHARTS TO PREDICT ANYTHING WHEN THESE STOCKS/INDICIES DERRIVE THEIR VALUE FROM THE DEBT MARKET (US10YR BEING THE MAIN DRIVER)

#BinanceTournament $XRP $XLM $ADA

RATE DECISION DATES ON THE PICTURE; below; Binance don’t allow me to write them apparently so i took a picture for you people!