The root cause is the weak ability to make money

Weak ability to make money leads to the desire to get rich overnight, and the desire to get rich overnight will make people impatient, and impatience makes people have a bad mentality.

If you have a bad mentality, you will tend to take a gamble. When you see a bull market coming, you are afraid of missing out, so you buy at the peak.

When I saw other people’s contracts were making money, I immediately wanted to go for it, but ended up getting cut.

Seeing that other local investors have made hundreds of times the money, I immediately wanted to rush in, but the market fell again.

This results in a lack of focus within one's own cognitive scope.

Money doesn't come in a hurry. If the time is not right, God will not give it to you. You really can't rush it.

But God is fair. A bear market is a bear market for everyone, and a bull market is a bull market for everyone.

The probability of a contract winning is the same for everyone except the dealer.

As long as your ability to make money improves, the cryptocurrency world can magnify your money.

If your various abilities are weak, the cryptocurrency world will also amplify the speed at which you lose money.

Therefore, we still need to exercise our cognitive abilities and improve our ability to make money.

Think about it, if you can earn 100,000 a month and you sell 70,000 every month, you won’t be impatient at all.

You won't have the energy to be attracted by some cheap contracts.

Therefore, the reason for losing money is because of the weak ability to make money, not finding the reason, and being too eager to get rich and messing around.

Of course, there are people who are good at making money but lose money. That is a personality issue.

I just like to make quick money and I'm very anxious.

Of course, you can make a lot of money if you are eager for quick success, but you will easily increase your risk factor.

They are essentially trading the risk of a significant loss for a potentially greater gain.

People with a lot of money can tolerate making mistakes. If you have little money, you will lose faith after a few losses.

Then you will leave the market sadly, and the next bull market will have nothing to do with you.

So if you don’t have money, you need to have faith, take steady steps, hoard coins, make money through arbitrage, and find ways to save money.

Live until the bull market. Before the bull market, don't do anything that may cause the loss of currency.

In the bull market, if you want to rush and play, I won't stop you

The probability that you will make money will be greater, as long as you have the right mentality and know how to collect

It will be very easy for you to get rich, but the ability of mentality is also honed by the bear market.

Without a good mentality in a bear market, a bull market will not appear suddenly.

If you don’t have the mentality to make money in a bull market, you will end up losing a lot. #BTC #ETH #JTO