Investment, speculation and gambling are essentially the same. There is no difference. Or, these three are relative, and the person who does it forcibly defines his own behavior.

For example, you are in the cryptocurrency circle, A-shares, you think you are investing, your family thinks you are speculating, and others think you are gambling. In fact, you have neither invested, nor speculated, nor gambled, you are just being robbed. Hehe.

Another example, playing mahjong.

If you play with friends occasionally, then this is entertainment. If you play often, play big, and the police arrest you, then you are gambling.

If you can count cards, have a set of methods, can win money in the long run, and you play mahjong as a profession, then for you, playing mahjong is: investment.

Investment, speculation and gambling are essentially the same thing, which is: investing money or some resources, taking certain risks, and betting on the results you want.

There are two types of classification:

One is: no brain, no planning, no calculation, this kind of abuse gambling.

-The other is: use your brain, make good plans, calculate, and gamble scientifically,