1. I have never seen my views on the technical aspects of K-line. Can you tell me your views on the K-line in the cryptocurrency circle?

In an article I wrote a long time ago, I wrote about my feelings about technical indicators (such as K-line, moving average, etc.) in my early investment experience.

When I was in school, the first book I read about investment was a book on technical indicators. That book was given to me by my mother.

My mother was trading stocks at the time. One day she gave me the book and said that people who trade stocks all look at these indicators, and you should be able to understand them with your math. So I should tell me about it after reading it.

When I got the book, I saw that it was published by the USTC Press. I thought this book must be great, so I started reading it with a pious attitude.

That book is all-encompassing, basically covering all the theories and indicators used in stock trading at that time, such as Gann theory, wave theory, candlestick chart, various volatility indicators, various moving averages, etc.

The book provides detailed explanations and mathematical reasoning processes for these theories and indicators, telling readers the mathematical principles used to calculate these indicators and how to use them.

As for the book itself, I felt that the explanations were quite good and I didn't have much trouble reading it.

But I don't know why, the more I read, the more impatient I became. I had an instinctive rejection of these things. The first thing that came to my mind was: These indicators can all be calculated by writing a piece of code. Is there such software?

When I checked, I found that this kind of software was everywhere on the street.

I then thought, since there are so many software programs already, there must be a lot of people using them. If they are really effective, then wouldn’t it be possible for everyone who trades stocks to make money with just one software?

But in reality, this is not the case.

Thinking of this, I can't finish reading this book.

Later, when I really started to enter the stock market, I really used technical indicators at the beginning. But in actual operation, I found that indicators are dead, and how to use them alive still depends on people. But the same person can draw different conclusions by using different combinations of indicators to analyze the same market. So the final decision on which combination to adopt still requires something other than technical indicators.

In addition, in actual combat, I found that I was not good at selecting technical indicators, nor could I use them flexibly, let alone combine technical indicators flexibly, so my experience in using technical indicators for investment was very bleak.

Since then, I started to try another way, which is the method I choose today. I found that this method is more suitable for me and has helped me a lot not only in the stock market but also in crypto assets.

So the fundamental reason why I don’t talk much about technical indicators in my articles is that I am not good at this method.

2. How is the TON public chain? The number of users based on TG has a great advantage

The TON public chain has been very popular recently, especially some small games and MEME coins, which have aroused great enthusiasm among many users. It is certainly a good thing that this ecosystem can attract more users to enter the crypto ecosystem in this way.

But when it comes to the public chain itself, I still hold the same view: it is actually still following the track of Ethereum, and on this track, in the long run, there is basically no suspense about the big winner; in addition, the popular games and MEME coins on it do not have much innovation, and the basic gameplay is not much different from the existing things on Ethereum.

So I think the level and duration of such excitement are limited.

Therefore, from the perspective of attracting users, I strongly support these public chains in attracting more users; but from an investment perspective, I will not spend too much time and energy paying attention to them.

So far, I have not bought its coins, nor have I bought coins from projects in its ecosystem.