Shocked! Obama told allies, "Biden's path to re-election has weakened"

A large number of major media have intensively released the news that "Biden is about to withdraw from the election", which may not be groundless. In addition, Biden has suddenly contracted the new crown in the past two days, which makes people think of "taking advantage of the situation" and saying that Biden had to withdraw from the 2024 election due to illness because of the worsening of the new crown

This will make Biden look good and the Democratic Party save face. Although Biden himself does not want to withdraw from the election, his desire to continue is very strong, but there have been more and more "defections" within the Democratic Party

At first, it was the Democrats who did not like Biden and asked Biden to withdraw from the election, followed by neutral and calm Democrats who asked Biden to withdraw from the election

Recently, it has developed to Biden's closest allies in the past, old friends for decades, and asked Biden to withdraw from the old comrades in the past. Former President Obama told the Democrats that Biden's chances of re-election are rapidly decreasing and he should seriously consider withdrawing from the election

Obama has always been a staunch supporter of Biden. The two have worked together for eight years and have a particularly good relationship. If even Obama advises Biden to seriously consider withdrawing from the election, then Biden is really considered hopeless by the party.

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