Let's take a look at the following today: MEME token

People, which Xiao Miao recommended recently, is going crazy again!

And next week, we will also welcome Li Hao: Ethereum ETF will be launched and Trump will speak at the Bitcoin Conference. The currency that is the topic of the election is People.

People: set a new high. Xiao Miao said in the article that Li Hao will also support it in September! At present, I will hold it until the conference next week before considering whether to sell it directly. If you haven't bought it yet, consider around 0.08;

WIF: It will be affected by the hype of SOL's ETF and rise together;

Pepe: The performance is very good. The current strategy is to buy more when there is a pullback.

#PEOPLE #WIF王者归来 #pepe神币 #Meme幣