Four pitfalls of cryptocurrency trading, if you step on two of them, you will become a "leek field"!

1. Don't always think about turning over overnight by relying on unpopular copycat coins, that's just jumping into a fire pit! These coins have no stable foundation, and the liquidity is terrible. If the market moves, your money may be lost.

2. Want to buy more to make up for your losses? This is simply pitting yourself without negotiation! The more you lose, the more you buy, and in the end you will only fall deeper. The break of the capital chain is a small matter, but the collapse of your mentality is fatal.

3. Don't believe in those charts and lines. Technical indicators are at most an auxiliary tool. The market trend and project fundamentals are the king. Just stare at the indicators and be careful not to miss the good opportunity of real money.

4. Don't think about making quick money by fast in and out all day long. Cryptocurrency trading is not gambling! Frequent transactions can eat up your money with handling fees, not to mention affecting your judgment and mentality. Long-term vision and steady investment are the king.

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