This bull market may be entering the second half of the period. In the first half, many friends including me have been on a difficult roller coaster, from the peak of hope to the valley of despair. If the first half of the game was not satisfactory, now is the time to cheer up and think seriously about how to play in the second half.

No one can predict the market, yes, no one! It is so absolute. If someone can predict the market, he is either a god or a charlatan. What we can do is to judge the large amount of uncertainty in the future according to our actual situation in the most limited deterministic events. For example, what I can do is

1. Review the wrong decisions in the first half to avoid making mistakes in the second half

2. Make clear your goals for the second half and this round of bull market, and reverse your decision-making actions based on the goals

3. Mark all the positive and negative deterministic events you can find and others tell you in your computer calendar, give notes including the positive/negative level, whether it has been realized, etc., and update it at any time. Use this calendar as a deterministic timetable combined with your own positions and expectations to assist your decision-making and judge future uncertainties

Finally, remember that opportunities are added by adding positions, and being stuck is also added by adding positions. Profits and losses come from the same source. I wish you all good results in the second half!

If you want to know specific opportunities and specific decisions, please check the top page to find me, you can get the position allocation strategy, and teach you how to make money in the bull market and earn coins in the bear market

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