People in the current cryptocurrency circle or many people I know who trade in cryptocurrency have already deviated from the general concept of money of ordinary people.

For example, when I have a good income every day, I can earn 1,200 US dollars, usually 300 to 400 US dollars. When I am lucky, I may earn tens of thousands of US dollars. Even so, some friends still think that such income is too slow.

Many friends are pursuing the opportunity to earn thousands or even tens of thousands of US dollars in a short period of time. I think their winning rate is too low and the risk is too great, so I started to make long-term investments in meme coins.

Today I saw someone follow orders and made 30 US dollars in 5 minutes and left. I complained that he was too cautious at the time, but then I realized that 30 US dollars is actually 200 RMB, which is 6,000 RMB a month, which is already a month's salary for many people.

Bringing up this topic, I actually want to say that the information in the cryptocurrency circle is often very exciting, but many investment concepts are problematic. Some people look very powerful in the cryptocurrency circle, but if you ask him how many houses he has, he may only say "only fools buy houses", which is a typical poor person's thinking.

In fact, the efficiency of making money in the cryptocurrency circle is not necessarily higher than that in other industries. It is just that because of the low information barrier, it is relatively easier to make money.

Intraday observation: DAR, alice, pendle, stx, aevo.....

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