The enthusiasm of the market has been ignited, and it seems that every corner is filled with an eager atmosphere. People are speculating whether the launch of the Ethereum ETF will bring a carnival to the market? Or is this just the calm before the storm?

No one can actually give a definite answer to the question, “How will the market perform after the Ethereum ETF is launched?” The long-term trend may be predictable, but the short-term market fluctuations are like a landscape in the fog, blurry and unclear.

Some people are keen to explore the secrets of the market through technical analysis, as if they have mastered a key to wealth. However, this idea is often too naive. Technical analysis may provide us with some clues, but it can never be the only basis for our investment decisions.

In the past few months, how many people have predicted the rise of a certain currency through technical analysis, but ultimately were helpless in the overall market decline? A drop in Bitcoin is enough to plunge the entire market into turmoil. No matter how accurate your previous technical analysis was, it is difficult to resist this systematic risk.

We cannot completely deny the value of technical analysis. In the process of rising or falling, it can indeed help us find some key pressure and support levels. But the key is that we cannot be superstitious about these data. The market is unpredictable and it will not develop according to our expectations.

How should we respond to the launch of Ethereum ETF? If Ethereum surges before the launch of ETF, then the market may run out of positive news after the ETF is approved, and we need to be alert to the risk of market correction. On the contrary, if Ethereum performs steadily before the launch of ETF, then we may expect the launch of ETF to bring a wave of rising market.

No matter how the market changes, we should keep a cool head. Investment is a long-term race, and we cannot lose our way because of short-term fluctuations. For long-term investors, it is more important to focus on the fundamentals and development prospects of the project, rather than being overly entangled in short-term market trends.

We also need to be wary of investment opportunities based on short-term hot spots and hype. For example, meme coins, which have been very popular in recent years, have seen amazing growth, but the risks behind them cannot be ignored. The hype of meme coins is often based on short-term market hot spots and investors' speculative psychology. Once the market enthusiasm fades, their prices tend to collapse quickly.

What I want to say is that investment is a game that requires wisdom and patience. We cannot be confused by short-term market fluctuations, let alone be misled by the so-called "wealth code". Only by adhering to our own investment philosophy and paying attention to the long-term development of the project can we go further on the road of investment.

As for those who are full of prejudice against us, I just want to say that their prejudice comes from ignorance and arrogance. In this fast-paced era, we cannot deny our own choices because of the prejudice of others. On the contrary, we should walk on our own path more firmly and use practical actions to prove that our choices are correct.

If you are interested in successful trading and investment strategies, please follow me.

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