The best time to make money:

The best age to make money in life is not 25-30 years old, but 35-60 years old.

Even a lot of big money is made between 55-65 years old.

Because after the age of 35, people have mature thoughts, high cognition, stable emotions, unique vision, and a small amount of capital accumulation.

This is the right time to make money.

So, if you are still young and have no money, please don't worry.

Only after experiencing wind and rain can you see the rainbow.

Many people are late bloomers.

Investment guru Buffett said that "most of his wealth has increased significantly since the age of 50."

No matter how old we are today, everything is in time.

Chu Shijian started a business again in his 70s. As long as we have confidence in ourselves, it is never too late to start.

I believe that as long as we don't give up on ourselves, we will meet a better self one day.

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