Why do I always fall down when speculating in cryptocurrencies?

First of all, you need to have some determination. Some people panic when they see that their accounts have lost one or two points, and they rush to sell their stocks to exchange for cryptocurrencies, but the new cryptocurrencies lose money again, and the cycle repeats, and the money just slips away quietly.

Remember, you have to take your time in speculating in cryptocurrencies, and you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Mr. Buffett only makes that little money a year, so why rush?

You have to love and fear the cryptocurrency circle. You love its unlimited potential, but you also have to fear its unpredictable changes. If you don't understand how the dealer plays and don't know those indicators, it's like a blind man touching an elephant, bumping around randomly. Can you make money? You have to have a little awe and do your homework well to swim far in this sea.

When choosing a coin, look at the technical side first, and understand the K-line chart, which is the market's emotional chart. If the K-line is messy, then no matter how good the fundamentals are, you have to put it aside first. Look at the trading volume again. Coins with small trading volume are like deserted shops. Don't touch them. Indicators such as MACD and KDJ, golden cross resonance, etc. are all good signs and can help us pick out potential stocks.

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