Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell recently spoke,

implying that interest rates may be cut in September.

In a speech at the Economic Club of Washington, D.C., Powell said: We will not wait until inflation reaches the 2% target before considering cutting interest rates.

Wall Street's latest forecast is that there will be at least two cuts this year.

The premise is that Trump is making trouble.

The last time Trump was in office, he raised interest rates in various ways. Rumors speculated that Trump might get rid of Powell and only cut interest rates once.

Of course, this speculation has been broken. Trump will let Powell stay until the end of his term.

At present, the impact of the door ditch on the market is not great.

The second spring of the bull market has also officially begun.

There is only one possibility that needs to be guarded against, that is, a sudden increase in interest rates in August and a cut in September!

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The bull market is now in its second spring and is approaching the sprint stage. I have not yet opened a position. I like spot goods and want to stock up on spot goods.

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