I will make some anti-human speculations, and make fun of them in my spare time.

1. If the ETF of ETH is passed, it will soar to break 4,000, or the previous high. Anti-human thinking: It will fall!

2. Trump can be elected president, and his election is conducive to the bull market in the cryptocurrency circle. Anti-human thinking: He can't be elected president, and if he is elected, it will be good for China. China is not friendly to the cryptocurrency circle, and his election will end the bull market.

3. The market rebounded, and it is about to break the previous high, and buy meme coins at the bottom. Anti-human thinking: Go to meme coins to live in the castle, this time I won't pull meme coins, but pull value coins. You missed the big cake ether, missed meme, and missed the value coins next.

4. Everyone said it was going to be bearish, and now it is pulled back, and it is going to break the previous high. Anti-human thinking: You all said it was going to break the previous high, so it will be smashed this week. You all think it will not rise, so it will break the previous high.

5. Now everything is rising, and the sectors are going to rotate, so catch the sector rotation. Anti-human thinking: Either the big cake ether is pulled up, or both are up, no rotation, no narrative. I pull the plate, you are free to do whatever you want. #山寨季何时到来? #美国大选如何影响加密产业? #以太坊ETF批准预期 #币安7周年