🚀🚀#BTC TP6🚀🚀

🔥🔥Medium and long term: long📈$BTC 🔥🔥


TP1: 58344 ✅ (completed)

TP2: 59344 ✅ (completed)

TP3: 60344 ✅ (completed)

TP4: 61344 ✅ (completed)

TP5: 62344 ✅ (completed)

TP6: 63444 ✅ (completed)

💥💥We also copied the spot and the contract for this wave of big cakes. The highest point in the morning was close to 65,000 points. We ate 11,500 points, gaining 21.4% (spot) 2675% (125X). Congratulations everyone! Eat eat eat! 💥💥


- Crypto Navigator®

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