Recently, content related to Carrot Run has been on the hot search many times. Whether driverless cars will take away the jobs of online car-hailing and taxi drivers has become the focus of attention. A chat record circulated on the Internet shows that "under pressure, Carrot Run stopped operating in Wuhan this afternoon."

In response, Carrot Run customer service said that Carrot Run has not stopped operating. If there are any changes in operations, please pay attention to the official website information. Wuhan Municipal Traffic Management Staff also said that they do not have relevant information about the suspension of Carrot Run. The recent news is quite messy. Seeing is believing. Don't believe this information.

For Carrot, it is also a weapon to impact the bottom. 10 million online booking drivers + taxi drivers are unemployed. This will be a very big thing, but the helplessness of the bottom has been like this since every dynasty. This is a useless cry.

AI is the future. The impact time is gradually advancing. The historical process is irresistible. AI robots will impact all walks of life in the future.

Now it is impacting the automotive industry. In the future, it will be catering, textiles, electronics factories, education and construction industries. The construction industry may not need bottom-level workers. All high-risk jobs will be replaced by robots.

Impacting the medical industry, maybe in the future, robots will help you check your body, clearly understand all your physical problems, and prescribe medicine to avoid the risk of misdiagnosis. All your medical records will be uploaded to the cloud, and you can see at a glance which aspects of you are normal and healthy. Many mistakes will be avoided in the future, which will lead to many doctors losing their jobs. In the future, doctors and teachers will not be popular industries, because the advanced revolution requires the sacrifice of a group of people...#山寨季何时到来? #以太坊ETF批准预期 #美联储何时降息? #德国政府转移比特币