
Important news this week

Monday, July 15:

• Turkey: Democracy Day

• United States: Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell will speak at 19:00.

Tuesday, July 16:

• Chromia (blockchain project plans to launch project}

Wednesday, July 17:

• 09:00 am: Binance will remove the following leveraged trading pairs:

◦ Cross-currency leverage: ARB/TUSD, APE/ETH, BNB/TUSD, ETH/TUSD


• 12:00: European regional inflation rate will be announced.

◦ Expected: 2.5%

◦ Previous value: 2.5%

• 21:00: Federal Reserve Beige Book will be released

Thursday, July 18:

• 15:15: The European Central Bank (ECB) will announce its interest rate decision.

• The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC): A closed-door meeting will be held on July 18. This meeting may end the three-year lawsuit between the SEC and Ripple.

Friday, July 19:

• 15:30: The number of people applying for unemployment benefits in the United States will be announced.

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