ETHFI (short-term)

This token is very popular, mainly because many retail investors were trapped at the previous price of 4.5/6 US dollars, otherwise the current attention would not be so great. At present, ETHFI is slightly stronger in the 1-hour level, temporarily suppressed by the short position at the 2-hour level, and close to the long-short game area at the 4-hour level. The mid-term entry still needs to wait, but if it can be supported in the short-term range of 1.85-1.95 US dollars, there is a rebound opportunity within 24 hours. This rebound game can be regarded as a short-term operation, with a target of more than 10%. The short-term support level is 1.85/1.95 US dollars, and the pressure level is 2.1/2.2 US dollars. These points are suitable for ultra-short-term transactions within 24 hours, and should not be used as a reference for medium- and long-term points. It is suitable for ultra-short-term game after the retracement, but not suitable for medium- and long-term entry. Mid-term thinking: Under the premise of not falling below the new low of 1.7 US dollars, it is expected to reach 3.2 US dollars.

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