There is only one kind of person who gets rich by speculating in cryptocurrencies

When entering the market, there is a clear operating system:

(1) How much money are you prepared to make in this wave of market conditions; it takes several hours to walk from the first floor of the Morgan Building to the top floor. But if you jump from the top of the building, you can get back to the bottom in just a few tens of seconds.

(2) How much loss can I accept at most? If the market retreats, I must exit immediately at the loss; no matter how many 100% excellent performances you have had in the past, if you lose 100% now, you will have nothing.

(3) Every time you operate, you must put a few percent of the profit in your pocket;

(4) Gradually increase the position to avoid full-position trading. As the profit rises, continuously increase the profit stop loss position, and never let the existing profit turn into a loss;

(5) Always give yourself another trading opportunity and operate strictly according to your own trading system.

(6) When the trend comes, respond to it and follow it. When there is no trend, observe it, stay calm, do well in the present, follow it, and respond!

If you want to get more information and operation strategies in the cryptocurrency circle, please click on my avatar and take a closer look. I have fans.

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