ETF is about to start trading

The German government's BTC selling pressure has ended

Trump, the king of traffic, has confirmed that he will attend the Bitcoin Consensus Conference in 2024. The opportunity for a surge is coming. How to buy the bottom?

The game sector and the AI ​​sector are sectors that Dabai has always been optimistic about. I believe everyone knows that these two sectors are also very popular sectors!

ULTI is a popular currency that has both. Dabai asked everyone to make short-term layouts twice before. When it was just launched, it took a wave of about 20%. The second time, everyone made a short-term bottom layout and took more than 50%!

Now it is really the bottom of the century. The big cake and the concubine are the bottom. The time for rebound has come, and the time for bottom-fishing has also come

ETF started trading on the 18th, and the amount of funds came. Coupled with Trump's traffic effect, the opportunity for a surge has come!

#ULTI Bottom-fishing spot layout, enter the market at the current price of 0.01983, and eat a short-term rebound of more than 50%!

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