Will it go this way? Haha, I often dream of this trend at night

September October Bullish Rising, rising, rising

1: I see many big guys are waiting to get the price below 20,000 to buy the bottom, some see 3,000-5,000, I don’t dare to think about it, I also look forward to the price of Bitcoin falling. My large amount of funds for buying the bottom are still on the way and have not arrived. The money earned in the last bull market was used to buy vehicles and multiple properties. Everyone knows about the houses. It is a bit difficult to cash out at present. If Bitcoin can plummet, I hope you can wait for me and pick me up. 😂Please, brother and sister Zhuang

2: Bitcoin can fall to 23,000-240,000, which is basically the same. With this rhythm this year, Bitcoin goes up very quickly every time, and there is basically no time to consider. You can't get on the train with a big positive line. Don't be overly bearish. It's more painful to miss the opportunity than to be trapped. 😀

3: In a bear market, control your position, save more u, stabilize profits, improve your winning rate, and continuously optimize the odds. 100u in a bear market is equal to 1000u in a bull market😀

The above chart is just my personal guess in my dream. If you have different opinions, please don’t criticize me.