9.4 Interpretation of BTC operation suggestions

After the non-agricultural non-agricultural announcement last Friday, the analysis and firm offer provided an advance ambush. The market relied on the 25500 line to go long, and the market went long near 1615. The trend has bottomed out and rebounded. The market reached the target point of 26100, and both BTC and ETH Made a nice rebound profit!

BTC continues to maintain the bearish thinking and rhythm after a small rebound. The decline is not over yet, so be patient and wait for the opportunity to buy at the bottom!

It is recommended to go short around 26100-26200, defend 26500, and target 25500-25300;

Ether is waiting for opportunity reminders, the trend is changeable, and personal firm trading is the main one!

Follow me for guidance and suggestions! #BTC #ETH