Since March, the price of Bitcoin has fluctuated like the waves of the sea, and has been fluctuating for nearly four months. Its value has been hovering between $60,000 and $70,000, as if being pulled by an invisible force, unable to break through the sky, nor willing to sink into the quagmire.

Until the beginning of July, the weekly decline was like a boulder breaking through water, falling below the $60,000 mark, shaking the market. Many technical experts predicted that this was a sign of a double top in the weekly Bitcoin line, indicating that there would be a bigger storm waiting for us in the future.

Faced with such a market situation, we can't help but ask: If we devote ourselves to the cryptocurrency circle, but have only a superficial understanding of the industry rules, cannot see the alternation of bull and bear markets through the market, and lack sufficient understanding and confidence in this unknown world, then what can we rely on? Perhaps, we can only be like a lost ship, searching for the lighthouse that guides the direction.

At such a moment, the voices in the market community are like undercurrents under the sea, complex and changeable. Some are frustrated by the loss of their accounts, and some are panicked by the sharp drop in the market. Do they still have hope for the bull market in their hearts? Do they still hold on to the original firm belief? Or are they at a loss in this vast ocean?

Even if I tell you that this is an unprecedented bull market, you may still have doubts. This is because human cognitive limitations are like the strongest cage in the world, which binds our thoughts and actions. When we lack sufficient knowledge of this industry, we will make judgments based on past experience and knowledge, and ultimately we will only get the same results as before.

To break this cognitive cage and embrace new opportunities in life, we need to experience pain and hardship. Human growth is often accompanied by pain. Only after experiencing pain can we reflect deeply, change ourselves, and bounce back. However, most people are unwilling to take the initiative to change themselves. They sink in pain and can never stand up again.

Just like Bitcoin in this period, if it wants to climb higher mountains, it must stop from time to time to clear the burdens and burdens on its body. Every pause is for a better start.

But if you can't wait, you want your account to increase every day, you want to make money but you don't want to wait, you don't want to make efforts to learn how to make money, then the problem may not be in the market, but in yourself. Your heart is too impatient, too greedy, too blindly confident, these are the real obstacles that hinder your progress.

I have never doubted whether the current market is in a bull market. Yes, we are in a bull market. My confidence comes from the unique "Sudden Counterattack Strategy" launched by our community investment research department. This is a strategy summarized from countless practical experiences. It has been verified countless times in the market and has brought me real results.

Before I learned the "Sudden Counter-Stop Strategy", I was both greedy and fearful of the market. I greedily wanted to catch every market trend, but often missed opportunities due to my ignorance and confusion. My fear and unwillingness to the market put me in trouble again and again. However, after I learned the "Sudden Counter-Stop Strategy", I seemed to have opened up my Ren and Du meridians, and had a new understanding of the market.

"The Strategy of Counterattack" follows the laws of nature. It allows me to understand the essence of investment through various events and things in life. Whether it is the change of seasons, the growth of a tree, the completion of a dish or a person's life trajectory, I can associate it with the trend of the market and the secret of investment.

Such confidence and feelings may not be conveyed to you in simple words. But I believe that if you are lucky enough to learn the "Sudden Machine Counterattack Strategy", you will also open your investment meridians. You will no longer be confused, bewildered, and feel insecure, and you will truly understand what investment is.

When you have the ability to invest in the cryptocurrency world, you will find that life is so vast and beautiful. Those troubles that once troubled you will become insignificant after you have a better way out. Because in this cryptocurrency world full of opportunities and challenges, you have found your own piece of sky.

Don't worry, Dao Ge has what you want!

Create a high-quality circle. If you are confused, don’t know what to do, and want to learn real things, then follow me or click on my avatar to take a closer look.

It must be what you think. In the end, my view is still short-term growth! Risks must be controlled.

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