Analysis of Ethereum's early morning market on July 15

Ethereum is currently on the long side in 1-4 hours. Pay attention to the two positions of 3190 and 3125 in the early morning and morning.

3190 is supported near 3170. If it does not break, it will rebound. It has rebounded by about 30 US dollars, which is in line with the strategy given by the internal group at night. At present, we still need to pay attention to the position of 3170.

In the 1-4 hour market, we also need to pay attention to the position of 3160. There is a support level here. If 3160 does not break, there is still a high probability of rebounding. If it falls below 3160, we need to pay attention to whether the support level of 3140 can stabilize. If the position of 3140 stabilizes, then we will first see whether the position of 3160 can stand, and then look at the subsequent strength. (3160 is also a key position at the daily level)

If it falls below 3125 in the early morning, this round of rebound can be judged to be over. Pay attention to the risk of trend turning to bearish.

(Reference for support and pressure values: +-5)

Reference for pressure levels: 3225, 3255, 3285, 3315

Reference for support levels: 3160, 3130, 3095, 3065, 3035

Reference for moving stop-profit levels:

Long 3190, 3205, 3220, 3240...

Short 3171, 3162, 3152, 3135,...

Reference for 1-hour strategy:

The bullish trend rebounded to 3228-3224, but failed to break through and stabilize. Watch for a retracement and pay attention to 3207, 3195... and other positions. (Pay special attention to 3250-3255. If it fails to stabilize, it will retrace to around 3225. If it breaks, continue to be bearish...)