When a retail investor's withdrawal is frozen and the bank card is unfrozen in another place, why are the police rude to you? (I will teach you the ways of the world, how to deal with uncles)

Many experts on the Internet are teaching people how to unfreeze bank cards. Anyway, they are all irresponsible and tell you to go to the bank and ask where the card is frozen. After getting the information, call an uncle to discuss the unfreezing matter, and then the uncle will unfreeze it for you. If he doesn't unfreeze it for you, you should call certain phone numbers to complain.


You really understand the laws governing the operation of society, but you will definitely get this sentence:

Please bring evidence and information to us to explain the situation and cooperate with the investigation. If you feel there is hope, you can submit the materials. The materials are full of nonsense and typos, which also expose the fact that you have only graduated from junior high school. Your legal and bona fide income has been turned into a letter of assistance in the process of your own description.

After completing the statement, you thought your funds could be unfrozen, but the uncle told you to go back and wait for the results of our investigation. Not long after you went back, you discovered that all your bank cards were blocked and you were put on two card lists.

Of course you are also confused. How come this is different from what the great people on the Internet say?

First of all, you must never complain about the uncles working at the grassroots level. They are also doing their work step by step. But you are a suspect, a suspect involved in the case. Why should they treat you badly?

Also, the people who handle cases, collect materials and keep records are basically civilian staff, that is, auxiliary police. What's the point of you complaining to them?

Your request is to solve your problem. The world is about human relationships, not fighting and killing. In the process of going to the local place to sign and unfreeze, we should have communicated all the matters long ago. We should go there to sign and unfreeze, not to submit materials. Isn't this a process that everyone is happy with?

You are a keyboard warrior, thinking that you have stood up and have many rights, and you pick up the phone to complain to others and ask them to help you. Who do you think you are? If you do this anywhere, you will encounter difficulties within the rules. Don't be unconvinced. The rules of operation of this society do not revolve around you. No one is your father who will help you unconditionally.

Why do you want to complain about others? Isn't it better to praise others?

Can't you give your uncle a banner and a handwritten thank-you letter?

Believe it or not, after you did this, your uncle would say no, no, don't be so polite, this is our job responsibility, this is what we should do.

In fact, the uncle was able to eat an extra bowl of rice when he went to the canteen at noon that day. Isn't it good to be happy? My uncle is also a human being, and he also has the chivalrous spirit of a chivalrous man. Fighting for justice and upholding justice across the world, which was not the uncle's dream when he was young?

I'm just annoyed by seeing you lawbreakers and criminals every day. How can the victim have a good attitude if he sits in the police station crying every day?

We should maximize the benefits of what we do:

1. Before sending the person off, take a walk around the reception hall of the police station. The phone numbers of all the leaders are there. Call the "leader in charge."

Pretending to know nothing, I asked - I want to give a banner and a fruit basket to a certain police officer, but I don't know if it is against the rules. This police officer is so nice and I don't want to cause him any trouble.

Don't worry, he will enthusiastically tell you how to do it and will arrange a photographer to pick you up.

2. Contact your uncle (or auxiliary police) again. No matter what, it is necessary to inform each other first. Don't send it when he is busy, as it will be embarrassing if he can't come out. It doesn't matter whether he agrees to receive it or not [he will definitely receive it].

3. He went to the reception with a banner and a fruit basket worth 88 yuan to take her there. ——It doesn’t matter whether he accepts it or not, what matters is that he took this action.

Don't worry, he won't take the fruits, even if you ask him to take them back at the end. What we need to do now is to send a banner and ask the leader to arrange for a professional cameraman to take pictures.

After presenting the silk banner, your cheap fruit is not that important anymore. It is just a prop. Can you run out of the reception hall in one step?

Don’t worry, your colleagues next door will look at you with envy and gossip, wondering if you have recovered your losses from the nude chat scam.

4. I still don’t feel satisfied

Write letters of praise to the organizer and their leaders. It doesn't matter if you write too many letters, one letter to each person will do. It must be "handwritten!" You know!

rest assured!

After all these operations, I spent a total of 120 yuan to make things and the "atmosphere" camp look perfect. What? Do I need a proof of involvement in the case after unfreezing the card?

Do I need to ask the bank to issue a certificate and a letter of cooperation? You need these documents to unlock the two cards?

Oh, isn't this our normal job? You don't have to be so polite.

We will definitely help if we can within the policy. Oh, by the way, which brand of hot pot base is good in your area? I went to Chongqing last time and it was hard to tell them apart. They were all similar.

Officer, I see that you are very professional in handling cases. But if you are talking about hot pot base, then you are definitely not as proficient as I am. So, I will arrange a few boxes for you, your colleagues and the kitchen. You don't have to worry about anything. Just compare them. If they are not as delicious as the ones you bought before, you can just throw them in the trash can.

Isn't this better than making complaint calls everywhere?

Leave professional matters to professionals, don't fucking believe those keyboard warriors. The world is not about fighting and killing, it is about human relationships and worldly wisdom. Apart from your cousins, who can teach you the underlying logic of these things?

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