I'm a European citizen and I am not surprised by the words of Elon Musk.

The European Commission headed by Ursula von der Leyen is not leading to anything good and the more the years go by the more authoritarian they prove to be.

I will not talk about the European elections that have just ended, even if already from these we see a desire for political change from the Member States wich most likely won't happen.

This European Commission showed its worst side during the pandemic with the shameless censorship it implemented on social media and national TV and newspapers.

I'm not surprised that they made a secret proposal of this kind for X.

They want absolute control of information with special laws,

they want absolute control of citizens with green pass (cause it's not currently active but they have not abolished it is only on stand by and they are thinking about how to introduce it)

they want control of citizens finances through the digital euro CBDC,

they want to continue to govern despite the different political will of many Member States.

We are on the verge of the WW3 and on the verge of a recession and think as you like, but the results brought home so far by this commission have only brought deterioration in every aspect.

(this is the second time I'm republishing this post after the block)