The three levels of investor thinking behind "Carrot Run", which level do you belong to?

Primary investors: Stay on the surface

Example: Seeing the excellent performance of "Carrot Run", immediately buy Baidu stock.

Intermediate investors: Have the ability to know the autumn from a single leaf

Example: Recognize that the success of "Carrot Run" is not only the success of Baidu, but the rise of the entire autonomous driving industry. Will deeply analyze the core components of "Carrot Run" and look for manufacturers with high profits, high barriers and moats to invest in.

Senior investors: The ability to expand from point to surface

Example: Consider the core technology of "Carrot Run" as a basic element, explore its application areas outside of autonomous driving, and find the potential to greatly improve production efficiency. Will study which companies are already conducting relevant tests, and evaluate their success rates, and make long-term, low-cost investments.

Senior investors not only have deep cognition, but also have high-level research ability, learning ability and fund management ability. The same is true for currency circle investment. There is an objective gap in cognition at different levels. Strategy understanding--Research Institute--599695450

So, at which level do you stay in your investment cognition?

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