What is the core value of watching the market?

It is not about trying to manipulate market trends or forcing the dealer to obey your wishes, which is like fishing for the moon in the water and unrealistic.

In fact, being overly obsessed with the tiny fluctuations in the market will often only make investors fall into a vortex of anxiety and uneasiness.

The strategy that wise investors should adopt is to carefully plan a clear exit path, including clear profit-taking points and stop-loss points, at the beginning of deciding to invest in a certain asset.

The essence of trading is not only to capture the fleeting buying opportunity, but also to leave the market gracefully at the right time - "buying is silver, selling is gold", this is true.

Looking back on the road of trading, it is not difficult to find that many times, the assets in our hands have inadvertently touched the ideal price in our hearts. However, it is precisely because of the lack of a firm selling plan that we often miss these potential profits and leave regrets.

Therefore, the key to optimizing trading strategies is to simplify the process: once the purchase operation is completed, immediately set the take-profit and stop-loss orders, and then stay calm and patient, allowing the power of the market itself and the passage of time to verify your judgment.

In this way, no matter how the market fluctuates, you can keep a calm mind and reduce the negative impact of emotional fluctuations on trading decisions, thereby improving the overall benefits of investment in the long run.
