#In cryptocurrency investment, mastering several core strategies is crucial for stable operation. The following are the seven simplified rules for cryptocurrency trading:

Article 1: Capture the opportunity of callback

After a strong currency has callback for nine days, it may be the time when market sentiment is calm and rebound signals appear, so follow up and buy in time.

Article 2: Timely stop profit and reduce position

After any currency has risen for two consecutive days, be alert to excessive short-term gains, reduce positions in time to lock in profits and avoid callback risks.

Article 3: Use the momentum of rising

For currencies that have risen by more than 7% in a single day, if they continue to rise the next day, you can consider adding positions appropriately, but you need to carefully assess the risks.

Article 4: Patiently wait for the callback to end

It is normal for the big bull coin to callback. Patiently wait for its adjustment to end, and buy after confirming that the trend has not changed to avoid chasing high.

Article 5: Dynamically adjust positions

For currencies that have fluctuated very little for three consecutive days, they may lack market attention. If there is still no improvement after three days of observation, consider changing positions to improve capital efficiency.

Article 6: Strictly adhere to the cost line

If a currency fails to reach the cost price of the previous day the next day, it means that the market is not optimistic in the short term, and stop loss in time to avoid further losses.

Article 7: Follow the trend and layout at low prices

For currencies that have been rising continuously on the list of rising currencies, the fifth day is often a good selling point, but more importantly, it is to layout at low prices during the callback and follow the trend. At the same time, currencies that have risen for two consecutive days often show their potential for continued growth on the fifth day, which is a good time to intervene at low prices.

In summary, cryptocurrency investment requires calmness and flexibility in responding to market changes. Master the above iron laws, combine personal risk tolerance and market conditions, and make wise investment decisions. At the same time, continue to learn market dynamics and technical analysis, and constantly improve your investment capabilities, so that you can move forward steadily in the complex and changing cryptocurrency circle. Remember, investment is risky, and you need to be cautious when entering the market. #比特币行情 #美国6月CPI大幅降温 #币安7周年 #美联储何时降息? $BTC #德国政府转移比特币 $ETH