

Short-term trading discipline first

Many traders originally intended to do short-term trading. Due to the lack of trading methods and trading discipline, short-term trading became medium-term trading, medium-term trading became long-term trading, and long-term trading became contributions. After making contributions, not only did no one thank you, but you became a negative example in the classroom and were laughed at by those who cut your leeks.

There is only one way to keep the original intention. Since it is clear that it is short-term trading when you make a move, you should operate according to the logic of short-term trading and keep in mind that discipline comes first.

Trading strategies only need to learn:

1. Look at the direction "which cycle rises and which cycle falls"!

2. Entry point and selling point!

💰Standardized formula, process-based replication, and rules to follow!

Trading is very simple. As long as you follow the system standards, it is very simple. You don’t need to learn any technology. I will share with you. If you solve the problem of direction, you can basically survive in the market. If you solve the problem of entry and exit, you will achieve stable profits!


