We have discussed the topic of [Fat Protocols and Thin Applications] before, and also said that the application chain paradigm may break this deadlock.

However, it is obviously unrealistic for all on-chain application ecosystems to run to build chains. In the new infrastructure environment where parallel EVM improves native performance, there are some trends to improve the application environment: account abstraction, chain abstraction, and intent.

-Account abstraction🔻

This concept is mainly used in wallets. To put it simply, it simplifies the threshold for users to use wallets, hiding some on-chain signatures and complex interactions in the background. Common use cases also design the commonly used [social login] function of Web2

This paradigm allows future incremental users to more quickly understand and enter the Web3 market for application implementation

The first products that the current incremental users may come into contact with related to Web3 are exchanges. After all, as the track with the largest cash flow in the industry, the resources that central exchanges devote to brand promotion and marketing are unmatched by any other track.

The entry threshold of the exchange itself does not need to add an extra layer of threshold for traditional Internet users, but how to make the transition of exchange users smoother, the concept of account abstraction was born out of demand.

Including the latest wallet launched by #Binance , it is one of the use cases. Because other wallets do not have traffic entrances like Binance, their main landing is reflected in the integration with the Web2 social field: allowing users to use Web3 wallets to interact with social networks (login based on social networks, such as Google, Facebook, etc.)

  • The more famous project in this field is Particle Wallet. Their products and operations are much better than similar competitors. I will talk to you separately when I have time.

-Chain Abstraction 🔻

The concept of chain abstraction is itself a concept related to the multi-chain structure or the full-chain protocol, or it can be said to be a derived concept.

After all, there are so many chains, and the interaction between chains has become more and more troublesome as the number increases. This pattern not only hinders new incremental users from entering and understanding the market, but also makes the market very troublesome for users who already have a certain understanding of the chain.

I myself am often troubled by the different GAS between chains, unequal liquidity, and the need to find corresponding secure cross-chain facilities.

The full-chain protocol is to solve this problem. On the basis of the full-chain protocol, how to make it easier for users to use and improve the smoothness between chains is what chain abstraction mainly does.

📍In addition to facing potential on-chain users, the concept of chain abstraction is also aimed at developers on the construction side. In an ideal state, developers can easily build protocols that do not rely on a specific blockchain, which can reduce a lot of workload.

This means that developers do not need to consider the choice of blockchain (some chains even require learning new languages), the management of cross-chain liquidity, and the pros and cons of corresponding solutions.

  • In addition to the "Big Three", the more famous chain abstraction projects include Particle, Everclear, Near, and Socket.


This is a concept that truly returns to the application side, usually based on chain abstraction

Intention is actually more abstract than the previous two noun concepts with "abstract"

📍This concept is most commonly used in the DEX field. Here is a simple example:

(1) Suppose I am using an on-chain trading TG robot, let’s call it pepeboost

(2) I want to buy a token on SOL now, but I don’t know which DEXs have pools. Then I can send the contract to this BOT and buy it directly (provided that the assets are in the bound wallet)

This is the simplest use case of intent. Currently, there is also a combination of intent and AI to retrieve and aggregate an intent market available to Web3 users.

In this field, some well-known projects include DappOS, COW Protocol, and Cashmere.

  • There is even Layer 1 that focuses on the concept of intent, but in the final analysis, this concept combines the most DEX and AI categories.

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