Newcomers to the cryptocurrency circle and those who don't understand it are worth reading and learning. It will be helpful to you. Some bad habits that novices often make when trading cryptocurrencies include:

1️⃣ Blindly chasing highs:

Problem: Eager to follow up when seeing the price of the currency rise, without sufficient market analysis and risk consideration, often leading to buying at high prices and then being trapped.

Suggestion: Conduct technical and fundamental analysis before trading to avoid impulsive buying due to short-term fluctuations.

2️⃣ Overly sensitive to market fluctuations:

Problem: Feel panic when the price of the currency fluctuates slightly, and rush to sell and leave, resulting in regrets of falling after buying and rising after selling.

Suggestion: Develop a clear investment plan and stop-loss strategy, stay calm, and avoid frequent trading due to short-term fluctuations.

3️⃣ Emotional operation:

Problem: Easily affected by emotions, rather than making decisions based on market trends and rational analysis.

Suggestion: Adhere to rational analysis and data-driven decision-making, follow established trading strategies, and avoid emotional operations. If the direction is misjudged, stop loss in time.

What about old leeks? Old investors usually have overcome these bad habits and have their own trading systems and risk management strategies. If you have been struggling in the cryptocurrency circle for many years and are still chasing ups and downs, you may need to reflect and establish a set of trading methods and systems that suit you to ensure that you are suitable for long-term development in this market. Remember, successful investment requires patience, discipline and a deep understanding of market laws.

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