Crypto market has many utility tokens and coins based on their different usage. BTC is considered amongst the most stable cryptocurrency which carries lesser volatility and prominent dominance with more than 53% of market share. The other coins are considered more volatile and they are known as ALTcoins including some stable ones like Ethereum, Solana, Ripple, Arbitariun, optimism etc.

Generally it's been considered it's safe to invest in BTC and the stable Altcpins rather than investing in other volatile Altcoins and meme coins, yet they offer amazing opportunities and attract lots of investments. The risk is higher for such investments but those have great potential of proving opportunities and rewards.

Currently most of the Altcoins are trading at very low prices thus give opportunity to long term holders to buy in Spot. The best way to get reward from such coins is to buy in spot while there is Dip and do DCA if price further goes down. Never buy the Altcoins at once rather gradual purchase in different intervals further minimizes the risks and give opportunity for rewards.

Spot is the platform where your investments are safe and you only loose when you sell, number of tokens are always with you it's the price that fluctuates. This you can earn from 5X to 100X rewards in the Altcoins.

I have been working on different Altcpins that look to me really promising to buy now. Sharing my list of 15 Altcpins and their tentative prices of buying. Hope it will help you out in making decisions of investment. But for good rewards you have to be patient and hold at least for few months.

Hope you find in interesting.